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In Flanders we can distinguish two kinds of population screenings: population screenings by the Flemish government and all others.

Population screenings by the Flemish government

The Flemish government currently offers four population screenings. They are organised in the same way in the whole of the Flemish Community and fulfil strict quality requirements. The quality of these screenings is monitored and evaluated carefully.  

You will find more information about the population screenings by the Flemish government on the following sites:


You can recognise this population screening by this logo:

Logo Bevolkingsonderzoek Borstkanker          Logo Bevolkingsonderzoek Baarmoederhalskanker          Logo Bevolkingsonderzoek Dikkedarmkanker          Logo Bevolkingsonderzoek Aangeboren aandoeningen

Population screenings offered by the government include the screenings by Child and Family for children from 0 to 3 years, such as neonatal hearing screening or the eye test for toddlers aged 1 and 2 or the periodic preventive screenings for school-age children and young people by the Pupil Guidance Centres (CLB).

Logo Kind & Gezin               Logo Vlaanderen is onderwijs en vorming

You will find more information on this on the following sites:

Other population screenings

This concerns population screenings not organised by the government.
Persons or organisations that want to organise a population screening must first obtain permission for this from the competent minister. This is only possible after the purpose and quality of the screening have been demonstrated.

It is forbidden to organise a population screening without the permission of the competent minister.